Join Ipswich Wildlife Group and Friends of Belstead Brook Park for a morning of work in the wood. Meet at the field gate at top of bridleway in Kiln Meadow. Parking in Marbled White Drive. Details from Gerry Donlon 07733 968481
The Project’s largest weekly work party – carrying out a wide range of practical tasks across the 50 or so sites that we manage. For all Greenways work parties, volunteers need to be registered via a short informal induction prior to joining us – please contact us for further details. Work party runs from 10am to about 4pm. Contact or call 07736 826076
Outdoor adventure and play for children aged 18 months – 5 years in Holywells Park. £4. Please book at or 01473 890089.
Join our small team of volunteers doing valuable work around the Park. Contact Andy Smuk for details 01473 728907
Contact Kaye Roberts
7.30pm – 9pm Ipswich Friends of the Earth Meeting – for venue please see Facebook page
A smaller group than on Tuesday, but operates in the same way – please see details above for Tuesdays Work Party
Join us at the Dove Inn for a drink, a chat and a bit of networking with other environmentally-minded people. Look out for the ‘Green Drinks’ sign on the table. All welcome
Another opportunity to work on the 50 or so sites managed by the Project – please see the details above for Tuesdays Work Party
Come and join in making the kits for bird, hedgehog and insect habitat boxes for our Wildlife Homes project. Only the most rudimentary of woodworking skills needed. Thorington Hall Barn, Bobbits Lane, Ipswich. More information from Martin Cant 07858 436003
A joint work party with the River Action Group along Alderman Canal and the River Gipping, maintaining footpaths and making these splendid waterways areas to be proud of. Usually meeting at Bibb Way alongside Alderman Road recreation ground, but please get in touch to confirm location More information from James Baker 07736 826076
More information from Helen Saunders
For children aged 6 – 10 years in Holywells Park. Join our wildlife-themed club to explore the park, learn about wildlife, meet new friends and earn awards as you go. £4. Please book at or 01473 890089.
For teens aged 11 – 16 years in Holywells Park (and other Ipswich locations). £5. Please book at or 01473 890089.
Come and join us for a morning working in the fresh air. For further details visit our website: or email
Get involved in coppicing and woodland skills at the Wildlife area. Call Geoff Sinclair to confirm dates 07860 595376
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